Illustrator 绘制信用卡

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/16 浏览:2)

Illustrator 绘制信用卡
Make the credit card with the Rounded Rectangle Tool and the Rectangle Tool.
Illustrator 绘制信用卡
Add some gradient with the Gradient Tool.
Illustrator 绘制信用卡
Select both and group them.
Illustrator 绘制信用卡
Go to Effect > 3D > Rotate. Play with it a bit. You can add some numbers if you want but rotate them with the same settings.
Illustrator 绘制信用卡
When you are done, you should have a credit card that looks something like this.


在去年的5月23日,借助Intel Bridge Technology以及Intel Celadon两项技术的驱动,Intel为PC用户带来了Android On Windows(AOW)平台,并携手国内软件公司腾讯共同推出了腾讯应用宝电脑版,将Windows与安卓两大生态进行了融合,PC的使用体验随即被带入到了一个全新的阶段。